
GLR General Painting LLC

Exterior Painting

A fresh paint job has the power to totally transform the look of your home or business in less time and for less cost than any other interior painting or remodeling project. A quality coat of paint also protects you exterior, shielding it from the sun, wind, rain and moisture.

The Puget Sound experiences a wide range of weather conditions such as heavy rain and wind. If your home or office is not protected by strong coat of paint, weather may damage your exterior surfaces such as siding, trim, decks, and railings. Protect your home by hiring GLR General Painting to provide a paint coat that will last a long time! We only use high-quality products, practices and professional tools to provide a coat of paint that lasts for a good 15 years. The result is a beautiful finish that also repels moisture, moss, mold and reduce the risk of rot.

Customer - Debbie Ross

We were very pleased with our experience and we have a beautifully well done painted home. The crew took pride in their work and left everything clean when they were done. The support from the office was also timely and helpful.

GLR General Painting is dedicated to protecting your home and your environment. Our skillfully trained painters will protect all your belongings, including plants and vegetation, sidewalks, driveways, and patios from splatter and paint drips by covering everything with plastic, paper, and/or drop cloths. It is our goal to leave your home cleaner than we found it.

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